News & Notices



9:30am Communion (every week EXCEPT the 1st in the month*)

*1st Sunday in the month: 10am All-age Communion

3rd Sunday: 11am All-Age Family Service


Midweek: 10am Communion every Wednesday

Keep up to date with all our news and notices by joining the HTW facebook group

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St Editha's Book & Fair Trade Shop - This is now open 9:30 to 3:30 Monday to Saturday, with a range of Bibles, Christian books, greetings cards, Fair Trade foods, gifts and crafts. There are refreshments on sale during those times - only 50p for a hot drink, and various cakes, biscuits etc. We can generally get special order books and other items. We want it to become an even greater resource for the area and would encourage you to use it well. One of the key things is that it allows the Church to be open through the week for people to drop in for prayer, to talk to someone or to find information. Find it in the main market square in Tamworth town centre.


Get in touch to find out more about any of our regular activities:

Small Groups: four fortnightly housegroups that meet in people’s homes and a monthly ladies group

Courses: Bishop’s Certificate, Alpha, the Marriage Course and others

Music Group - Flower Arrangers - Cleaners - Walking Group - Catering Team

Kids’ Club (Sunday School) & Evening Youth Groups (see

Tearfund Tanzania Church Link

Compassion Child Sponsorship: