We believe in one God: Father, Son & Holy Spirit; we believe God comes to us through his Son and his Spirit.
We believe God has shown and shared his love with us; so we show and share love: to God and to others. We believe God's love is perfectly expressed to the world in and as the gift of his Son, Jesus Christ.
We are followers of Jesus who believe in the Scriptures, the Sacraments and Social Action - all enthused and infused with prayer and praise.
"Devoted to the apostles' teachings, the fellowship, breaking bread together and prayer." (Acts 2:42)
Find us at the top of the hill on Watling Street - from the belltower you can see five counties!
Below: inside the church, a mix of old and new - the best of both worlds.
“come together as the family of God
in our Father's presence
to offer him praise and thanksgiving,
to hear and receive his holy word,
to bring before him the needs of the world,
to ask his forgiveness of our sins,
and to seek his grace, that through his Son Jesus Christ
we may give ourselves to his service. Amen”
Our standard services are at the following times:
Sunday: 9:30am
(11am on 1st and 3rd Sundays)
Wednesday: 10am